Tag Archives: Jesse Jackson

Brown's 'bigot' was what 24-hour news was made for

2 May

Brown, Brown, Brown, was it really necessary to hammer the final nail into your own coffin?

Tony Blair, BBC sources claim, had his very own microphone that only he and his aides could control. But Tony Blair is far from the norm. Gordon is in good and varied company with his microphone gaffe.

Since the beginning of twenty-four-hour news a microphone has been the downfall of many a slick star and polished politician. And now we have the internet to thank for these gaffes never, ever going away.

CNN’s Kyra Philips branded branded all men “a**holes” and her brother’s wife a “control freak” before crew shut her up. Wish I could be a fly on the wall at their next family Sunday lunch. oops.

Ronald Reagan’s is an old school gaffe – a radio mic gave him away in this one. The US president managed to accidently ‘outlaw’ Russia. And say bombing was to commence in five minutes.

Jesse Jackson – The civil rights campaigner said he wanted to cut Barack Obama’s “nuts off” ahead of a TV interview in 2008 and accused Obama of “speaking down to black people”.

George Bush to Blair – ‘get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this shit’ – ever the diplomat


Bush again – making his views on the New York Times journo Adam Clymer perfectly clear. In an election rally in 2000, Bush spotted the writer in the crowd and called him a “major-league a**hole”

Spanish PM Jose Maria Aznar declaring a report he’d just delivered to the European Parliament in 2002 “Vaya conazo que he soltado”. Translated: “What a load of c**p I’ve just delivered.”

Our very own dashing king in waiting. Well ok, he’s not dashing, he’s not charming and he’s probably never going to be king. But he is a prince and he really doesn’t like having his photo taken – as this clip shows.